Icinga_ido resource not found, help!

this icinga2 setup describes that both features are enabled. nobody knows why but here are some reason this setup could makes sense:

  • You want to write history in icingadb and ido so you can change at the proper time to from the icingaweb2-module-monitoring to icingadb-web without depending on the migration tool.
  • you can switch between both worlds in icingaweb2 without any troubles.
  • you are using an old version of icingaweb2-module-grafana, which does not work on icingadb
  • you are using api endpoints in icingaweb2 which are not working in icingadb-web but were working fine under the monitoring module

Don’t get me wrong, I’m on your side that icingadb is the future and ido is officially deprecated.

But actually that got me thinking, Dragon Nz might need to disable the monitoring module in icingaweb2

In addition this thread might help understanding caused the issue: