Icinga for Windows / Update

Hi Folks,

i experience a quit strange error from “Invoke-IcingaCheckUpdate”. The message is: Exeption from HRESULT: 0x80240438. I changed the service account from “Network” to “Local” as mention in a different post but no luck.

Anyone an idea?

Icinga Powershell Framework v1.12.3
Plugins 1.12.0
agent 2.14.2
service 1.2.0

Icinga Web 2 Version 2.12.1
PHP 8.1.2
Director 1.11.1


Have you already ruled out the errors listed here?


thanks for the hint. But that is not the problem, maybe the pictures below can clarify my question.

Windows Server 2022:

Icinga Web 2 with Director:

Is this the solution/explanation:


Was able to help myself. For everyone who come across the same or similar problem, the solution for me was:

  1. Set the Icinga 2 and Icinga Powershell Service from network to local service account.
  2. Make sure yor have a valid configuration for the WU service (WSUS or Microsoft as update source). For GPO users check with gpresult your config or use the powershell module PSWindowsUpdate.