On the host which runs the cronjob, you either need a script or a full curl request targeting the Icinga master server with the REST API. That can either be an FQDN or an IP address. Keep in mind that in case of IP address changes, you’ll need to update all your clients.
Keep it simple, just play around with curl to produce a result once.
curl -k -s -u root:icinga -H 'Accept: application/json' \
-X POST 'https://icinga-master1.localdomain:5665/v1/actions/process-check-result' \
-d '{ "type": "Service", "filter": "host.name==\"$ICINGA\" && service.name==\"tbackup_lb\"", "exit_status": 0, "plugin_output": "[OK] Some text \n" }'
Note: Replace or set the $ICINGA shell variable before.
I strongly recommend to also set the check_source to the local agent FQDN, this makes it easier to find out where this came from in your Icinga Web detail view.
Hi Michael,
Ok the curl command now works fine for me but the result is not shown in the icinga GUI
I think the error is that I have not setup a Service for that and this was my question before.
How configure the Icinga Host to display this check on the Icinga GUI?
OK now my external Script is working well and shown in the icingaweb gui.
But now I have a Problem. My script runs only once a day. So I would like that icinga show me an error only if the last output from my script to the icinga host is older than 24hours.
How can I make this.
My Service definition:
apply Service “backup_lb” {
check_command = “dummy”
check_interval = 1440m
/* Set the state to UNKNOWN (3) if freshness checks fail. */
vars.dummy_state = 3
/* Use a runtime function to retrieve the last check time and more details. */
vars.dummy_text = {{
var service = get_service(macro("$host.name$"), macro("$service.name$"))
var lastCheck = DateTime(service.last_check).to_string()
return "No check results received. Last result time: " + lastCheck
assign where host.vars.backup_lb == “yes”
But evertime this service runs my the check is unknown. But the check should only unknown if it older than 24hours
This is the output of my external Script:
curl -k -s -u icingaweb2:xxxxxxxx -H ‘Accept: application/json’ -X POST ‘https://icinga-host:5665/v1/actions/process-check-result’ -d ‘{ “type”: “Service”, “filter”: “host.name==“Passive_Checks” && service.name==“backup_lb””, “exit_status”: 0, “plugin_output”: “[OK] Dies ist ein Test \n” }’
Could I set here the “TTL”? And if yes how???
Thx for help
This is because you defined a check_interval! A passive check normally don’t need this, because this is waiting for a passive check result from a transmitter (server, application etc.).
You need this only if you want to check, that every x minutes/hours/days the transmitter sends something. if Icinga don’t receive something, there is something wrong on the server, application etc.
Maybe it’s better for you to use the command “passive” (Icinga Template Library - Icinga 2). Also I’m missing this parameter in your snippset:
Thx for promt answer:+1:
Ups for the passwd
OK for passive check, but how does the icinga server knows that the check is older than e.g. 24hours? Because my script runs only once a day?
That’s not entirely correct, the configuration from @joltmann is fine. It is just the 24h window which may be triggered too soon. The idea with the ttl attribute is good, I would try to add that with actually delaying the next expected check result from this point on.
Just add a JSON key ttl with the value in seconds, 86400 to the POST body.
ah ok, thanks @dnsmichi for the info. That’s a way I didn’t know/imagine.
We do the tests at the side from icinga2 not at the side of the script. Like Thomas and Lennart wrote in the icinga2 book at page 228.
@joltmann Our test case is to send a test snmptrap to the icinga master to check everything is working fine. Here we run logstash to recevie SNMP traps and pass the trap to icinga. This happens every hour.
This is the defination from our test snmptraps on our two masters (rendered from the director):
Hi Stevie, hi Michi,
sorry but I am a little bit confused.
My Script (which is running on a remote Host) is running well and send Status OK or Staus NOK after execution every 24hours. This runs well and the iciinga-master display the Status well.
But what I need is the Status “unknown” if my script is not running (can`t send Status of e.g. Network or Server Problem).
Means if the check on the icinga-master is older than 24hour I would like the Status “unknown”.
Here my Service and my api post:
The interval is changed for test!
vars.dummy_state = “1”
vars.dummy_text = “No Status received since 24hours”
The line “import DirectorOverrideTemplate” is rendered by the director. If you don’t use it, you don’t have to write this
What exactly the diffrence between the check commands “dummy” and “passive” is, I can’t explain. In the docs there is only written, that the passive check has appropriate default values. Hopefully Michael can bring a little bit light in the dark. For us the passive check works better in this case.
I never used the ttl options. So this is for me also new. You never stop learning
Hi Stevie,
thanks for understanding but this doesn’t work for me because after 1min when the check is running again I get a warning. So everytime the check is running I got a warning. But I will get only a warning when the last information from my script is older than 24hours.
Maybe it is the wrong template? Could you post me your “template_generic-service_passive” template or I don`t need this?