How to Increase timeout for contacts-page?


we have little problem with timeouts regarding the query of contact groups:

If we call https://myhost.example/icingaweb2/monitoring/list/contacts?contactgroup_name=my-example-group I experience 60 seconds of waiting before I get a “504 Gateway Timeout” from Icingaweb.

We checked the duration of the corresponding Queries in our MariaDB (GaleraCluster), and those take about 2.5 minutes.

So basically something is causing a timeout before the answer is ready from the database.

Question: How to increase that timeout?

I already noticed that it is a bad response time, but that feature is rarely used by our users, so we would live with that.

  • Web browser used: Confirmed with Chrome & Edge
  • Icinga Web 2 version and modules (System - About): 2.11.4
  • Icinga 2 version (icinga2 --version): 2.13.5-1
  • Operating System and version: RHEL 8.5.0-10 / Linux Kernel 4.18.0
  • Webserver, PHP versions: Apache 2.4.37 / PHP 8.0.13

We figured out the root cause might be due to a lot of COLLATE’s in the SQL statment due to some old encodings in our database. We’ll fix that.