How to Check the Icinga for Windows components version

Hello there,

I would like to find out which endpoints are running old Icinga Agents and Icinga for Windows components.

Do you have a convenient solution for that task?

With this information I would try to plan the updates/upgrades.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Gabriel,
I assume you don’t want to check this manually on each host? Otherwise you could execute “show-icinga” in a PS for a good summary of the locally IcingaForWindows-environment (IfW).
Generic methods:

  • Checking IfW-framework-version:
    (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name icinga-powershell-framework).Version.ToString()
  • Checking IfW-plugins:
  • (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name icinga-powershell-plugins).Version.ToString()
  • Checking Icinga2-agent-version:
    & 'C:\Program Files\ICINGA2\sbin\icinga2.exe' –version

We have a service running against all windows-hosts which is reporting the version (check-command “icinga”):
Icinga 2 has been running for 21 hours, 44 minutes and 15 seconds. Version: v2.14.2
You can also set the “icinga_min_version” if you want to get notifications / alarms for that.


Hi @henning,

can you tell how to set the icinga_min_version?
When I create a service in the director with command icinga I cannot set it.
Is it also possible to deactivate the performance data?

Thanks for your help!

Hi @lrk ,
you have to create a custom-variable with this name and add it to your template:

(see also

Sorry to ask again, but how is the check executed on the agent and not directly on the Icinga server / master ?

almost self-explanatory if you dig in the details of your template :wink:

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