How to change icinga web 2 ui

How do i change my icinga2 web ui, one of my friend has a different icinga ui. We both have the same versions installed everything is same, But his ui shows little more deatails, check the image, i see green strips where as my friend sees a green circle.

Sounds like your friend uses the new IcingaDB and not the classical monitoring module based on the IDO.

Even i have icingadb on mine:

apt-get install icingadb -y
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
icingadb is already the newest version (1.1.1-1+ubuntu22.04).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 45 not upgraded.

still no changes, how do i get that circle ui

But the screenshot looks still like it’s the classical icingaweb2 monitoring module and not the new icingadb-web module.

i know how do i get the newest module?

you can disable the monitoring module

Disable from the web interface right? I did that and all the options vanished so i again enabled it

update: i installed the icinga db module and now it says:

You seem to not have configured a resource for Icinga DB yet.

you need to configure the icingadb module, “SQL resource”, redis connection and so on.

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did that solve your issue?

Hi so i had monitoring module enabled; my issue was fixed by enabling icingadb module.

Thankyou this helped.