How do I call the variable "service.state_id" from a different host and service?

I don’t know check_cluster but maybe I did something similar with the Icinga2 DSL.

This checks if all services with the same name on all nodes of a cluster host are OK:

object CheckCommand "116-cmd-more-then-halve" {
    import "plugin-check-command"
    command = [ "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/dummy" ]
    timeout = 10s
    arguments += {
        "--message" = {
            required = false
            value = {{
                var output_status = ""
                var up_count = 0
                var down_count = 0
                var cluster_nodes = macro("$116_cluster_nodes$")
                var more_then_halve_service_name = macro("$116-cluster-more-then-halve-service$")
                for (node in cluster_nodes) {
                  if (get_service(node, more_then_halve_service_name).state > 0) {
                    down_count += 1
                  } else {
                    up_count += 1
                if (up_count > down_count) {
                  output_status = "OK: "
                if (up_count == down_count) {
                  output_status = "WARNING: "
                if (up_count < down_count) {
                  output_status = "CRITICAL: "
                var output = output_status
                for (node in cluster_nodes) {
                  output += node + ": " + more_then_halve_service_name + ": " + get_service(node, more_then_halve_service_name).last_check_result.output + " "
                output += " | count_of_alive_" + more_then_halve_service_name +"="+up_count+";" + string((up_count + down_count) / 2 + 1) + ":;" + string((up_count + down_count) / 2 ) + ":;0;" + string(up_count + down_count)
                return output
        "--state" = {{
            /* Icinga 2 does not export DSL function bodies via API */

The dummy check comes from the Linuxfabrik’s monitoring-plugins and just reports back, what you send it - it was necessary because of a limitation in the director.

It looks like this in the director:

same for the host check:

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