Starting with icingadb 1.1.3, The object names of service- and hostgroups are displayed underneath the display names. For us, this is a no-go because the object names consist of meaningless (to the user) numbers and shortcuts.
What do you think about it?
If I knew how to do it, I’d remove this new feature immediately. In my opinion things like that should be configurable. I don’t find any config options in documentation.
I would be happy for a hint how I can patch my installation as a workaround.
In general, it is a good feature to display the object names also, but it should be optional.
UPDATE: Initially, I claimed this behavior is since version 1.1.3. This is not true, see comments below. Nevertheless I’d appreciate a feature to toggle group object names. It would restore the behavior as it was in the monitoring module.
Hi nilmerg,
you are right, I only noticed the object names because, after upgrading and without restarting the browser session, the names appeared directly behind the display names, without any whitespace. This disappeared of course after a reload. I must have mentally masked out the object names all the time.
Additionally, I have the old monitoring-module running on a different server where the object names are not displayed. So maybe because of this I recognized the object names as “wrong”.