I’m pretty new with icinga so 'im sorry if my question is stupid.
I try to delete a host in icinga director, the disappear from director’s hosts list but I continue to see him in icingaweb.
My environment is splited in 4 VM :
1 icinga web / icinga director
1 icinga db
2 icinga master
I read a lot of subject about this behaviour but no one exactly match with mine …
What can I check to resolve this ?
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/cli: Icinga application loader (version: r2.14.0-1)
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/cli: Loading configuration file(s).
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Committing config item(s).
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ApiListener: My API identity: icinga-master-1
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'disk_windows_agent'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 29:1-29:34) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'load_windows_agent'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 38:1-38:34) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'memory_windows_agent'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 47:1-47:36) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'disk_linux_agent'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 61:1-61:32) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'load_linux_agent'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 70:1-70:32) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'disk_linux_snmp'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 84:1-84:31) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'load_linux_snmp'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 95:1-95:31) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'memory_linux_snmp'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 104:1-104:33) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'disk_windows_snmp'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 118:1-118:33) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'memory_windows_snmp'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 129:1-129:35) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'load_windows_snmp'
(in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 138:1-138:33) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 IcingaApplication.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 34 Hosts.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 6 HostGroups.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 IcingaDB.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 FileLogger.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 3 Zones.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 CheckerComponent.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 2 Endpoints.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 3 ApiUsers.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 NotificationComponent.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 ApiListener.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 249 CheckCommands.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 4 Services.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ScriptGlobal: Dumping variables to file '/var/cache/icinga2/icinga2.vars'
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/cli: Finished validating the configuration file(s).
What do you mean by “HA-Environment” ?
My VM are stored on two different site, one site A I have web/db/master1 and on site B master2.
Is that what you mean ?
I follow some other topic to reset the sync between my master node but the “ghost” is already present.
I check in icingadb (in table host) and I found one entry for this deleted host, maybe it’s from here it’s display in the web ui ?
Is there a way for delete it ?
I reply to myself and all other in the same situation. I successfully remove the phantom entries by deleting them in the db “icingadb”.
"delete * from host where name='hostname_to_delete";
Be careful if you have a non-phantom entry you don’t want to delete because this command will remove all existing entry with the hostname.
To avoid this, I previously disabled the host in director (it remove the host from icingadb) then after deletion, re enabled it.