Host stay alive after director deletion


I’m pretty new with icinga so 'im sorry if my question is stupid.
I try to delete a host in icinga director, the disappear from director’s hosts list but I continue to see him in icingaweb.

My environment is splited in 4 VM :

  • 1 icinga web / icinga director
  • 1 icinga db
  • 2 icinga master

I read a lot of subject about this behaviour but no one exactly match with mine …
What can I check to resolve this ?

Thanks for advance

did you deploy the changes?
Activity log → deploy n changes

yes i do (sorry I should have been more precise)

how does you deploy log look like?
is the last deploy still in pending state or even failed?

My deployment is successful. Here the log

[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/cli: Icinga application loader (version: r2.14.0-1)
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/cli: Loading configuration file(s).
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Committing config item(s).
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ApiListener: My API identity: icinga-master-1
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'disk_windows_agent' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 29:1-29:34) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'load_windows_agent' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 38:1-38:34) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'memory_windows_agent' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 47:1-47:36) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'disk_linux_agent' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 61:1-61:32) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'load_linux_agent' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 70:1-70:32) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'disk_linux_snmp' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 84:1-84:31) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'load_linux_snmp' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 95:1-95:31) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'memory_linux_snmp' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 104:1-104:33) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'disk_windows_snmp' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 118:1-118:33) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'memory_windows_snmp' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 129:1-129:35) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] warning/ApplyRule: Apply rule 'load_windows_snmp' 
  (in [stage]/zones.d/director-global/servicesets.conf: 138:1-138:33) for type 'Service' does not match anywhere!
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 IcingaApplication.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 34 Hosts.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 6 HostGroups.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 IcingaDB.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 FileLogger.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 3 Zones.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 CheckerComponent.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 2 Endpoints.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 3 ApiUsers.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 NotificationComponent.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 1 ApiListener.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 249 CheckCommands.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ConfigItem: Instantiated 4 Services.
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/ScriptGlobal: Dumping variables to file '/var/cache/icinga2/icinga2.vars'
[2024-02-20 10:02:43 +0100] information/cli: Finished validating the configuration file(s).

do you have some kind of HA-Environment?

What do you mean by “HA-Environment” ?
My VM are stored on two different site, one site A I have web/db/master1 and on site B master2.
Is that what you mean ?

2 master nodes form a HA setup because if one failes the other takes over the checks…

maybe your master zones is not synced correctly between the two masters…

Sorry for the late answer.
Yes it’s possible, how can I check / correct that ?

I follow some other topic to reset the sync between my master node but the “ghost” is already present.
I check in icingadb (in table host) and I found one entry for this deleted host, maybe it’s from here it’s display in the web ui ?
Is there a way for delete it ?

Hi ! No one can help me with this problem ? not blocking but annoying …
Thanks for advance

I reply to myself and all other in the same situation. I successfully remove the phantom entries by deleting them in the db “icingadb”.

"delete * from host where name='hostname_to_delete";

Be careful if you have a non-phantom entry you don’t want to delete because this command will remove all existing entry with the hostname.
To avoid this, I previously disabled the host in director (it remove the host from icingadb) then after deletion, re enabled it.

Hope this help :slightly_smiling_face: