Host icons in module map

I recently started this spectacular Icinga 2 application, in Icinga Web 2 I have the hosts configured with the vars.geolocation variable and I can see it on the map without any problems, but I tried to configure the vars.map_icon and the module is not accepting the icon, without the vars.map_icon has the symbol of a PC, if I add this variable I only have the location point but no image. Someone can help me? Thanks

which icon did you use?

Did you, per chance, create the variable vars.vars.map_icon?

I tried it with .png and .svg, there are some in /usr/share/icingaweb2/public/img

sĂł acrescentei a variavel no ficheiro de hosts.conf
object Host “MyPc” {
import “generic-host”
address = “” = “internal”
groups = [ “pcs” ]
vars.geolocation = “40.254295,-8.593090”
vars.notification.mail = true
vars.map_icon = “/icingaweb2/img/icons/success.png”

try with print like in this example:

if you have the doc module enabled you can find other available icons:


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Have a look at the URI /icingaweb2/doc/style/font in your browser, on a page with your Icinga open.

What happens if you try:

object Host "MyPc" {
  import "generic-host"
  address = "" = "internal"
  groups = [ "pcs" ]
  vars.geolocation = "40.254295,-8.593090"
  vars.notification.mail = true
  vars.map_icon = "ok"

Magic!!! I have tho OK(Check) symbol on the host marker, where I can find more example with words? Thank you

forget, /icingaweb2/doc/style/font!!!