Graphite and dummy checks


I searched some time but didnt find any article about this. I think there must be some because this happens with every sattelite so sorry when I open this ticket dublicated…
In the last 5 years I only used pnp4nagios. Because this plugin is quite old and graphite can do much more I migrated to graphite. The Graphite is working and I started to write some inis for the grapths in

All tempaltes for checks that are executed by the icinga2 master are working fine. But the checks from the sattelites are shown as dummy in the database and because of that the templates are not working.

How can I say icinga to hold the real command name from the sattelites ?

Here are 2 screenshots form what I mean:

Greetings Epytir

… im sorry I got it.

We use the old bottom up configuration because some customers send their data over a one way connection to us. So in the past I triggered the bottom up and most of that configuration is from that time.

Some checks are newer and I manually configured them with dummy because in the newer versions the config sync is not possible anymore in this direction. (the send of the results work after manually creating the configs on the master and sattelite)
When I change the check command name on the master to the real check command name the stats are working and because of the zone the master will never check this command never the less what is defined in commands.
For example I changed
object Service “disk” {
import “satellite-service”
check_command = “dummy”
host_name = “
zone = “
object Service “disk” {
import “satellite-service”
check_command = “disk”
host_name = “
zone = “