Grafana Server Vers.6.6.1 Problems with SSL & Google Chrome

Hello to All,

i have Grafana Server Version 6.6.1 (commit: 21bf8b71bc, branch: HEAD) on the Server, but it don’t work with Google Chrome 80. Firefox, IE and Edge works fine.

The Configuration is on Port 3000

Error Message: The website is unavailable

The website at https://server:3000/ may be temporarily unavailable or has been permanently moved to a new web address.

The same configuration works with Firefox, … but not with Chrome 80, 79, …

Plugin for Icinga2: icingaweb2-module-grafana

Error Log in the Plugin Window: Die Webseite unter ist eventuell vorübergehend nicht verfügbar oder wurde dauerhaft an eine neue Webadresse verschoben.

This is from apache error_log

[ssl:warn] [pid 2581] AH02292: Init: Name-based SSL virtual hosts only work for clients with TLS server name indication support (RFC 4366)

Has anyone a Tipp for me


Likely the certificate covers server and not www.server. Can you share the Apache configuration for this VHost as well as the portions from the TLS certificate - openssl x509 -in server.crt -text?


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