Grafana Module


I defined manually a lot of graphs templates in the “Grafana Graphs” menu on the master satellite pointing to different dashboards from the grafana server. (see attached image )
Is there a possibility to replicate automatically this graphs on the secondary satellites?



Hi Petre,

They should be stored in the configuration files at /etc/icingaweb2/modules/grafana. I don’t have the module installed so I can’t test it right now.

You can use tools like rsync to synchronize them from a primary node to a secondary node. If you want bidirectional sync you can use csync2.

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Hi Thomas,

I copied the file /etc/icingaweb2/modules/grafana/graphs.ini from the master to satellites.
Now the graphs are now available on all servers .
In the future i will think about to use rsync to synchronize them from primary node to secondary nodes. Thank you for this idea .
