icingaweb2 does not display graphs for “Icinga for Windows” checks. The graphs say “No Data” and the title is “null CPU” for example. The “null” is the result of an error in the queries, i guess.
Graphs for Linux hosts etc are displayed correctly.
When investigating I find that Grafana complains about “invalid measurements”. "InfluxDB returned error: failed to parse query: found FROM, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 9"
The influxbucket variable in Grafana has been set to icinga2.
Anyone ever seen this before?
Ubuntu 24.04
Grafana 11.3.1
Influxdb2 2.7.10-1
thanks for your reply.
Yes, I imported the Icinga provides dashboards as well added the graphs to graphs.ini.
Then, using the icinga-grafana plugin, the “Windows-Plugins-Web” is used.
I am not sure how to show the query, sorry.
If I click on “edit” in the graph and then on the pencil in the lower part of the window it shows: SELECT mean("value") FROM "measurement" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
Furthermore, to be honest, I do not understand what to fill as “value” when changing a variable to “custom” as mentioned inthe links you provided.