Feedback Week Thread!

I still need a few stickers for my laptop… :smiley:


Hi guys,

our Icinga Feedback Week has come to an end. We appreciate each vote, comment and the love that you have shown. Thank you so much for taking part in our survey and for sharing your opinion with us!

The Community Heroes will be announced next week.

And if you’re curious about the overall results, we are going to present them at Icinga Insights on December 2nd. So if you haven’t signed up yet, make sure to do so! :slight_smile:

There is one final question we have for you though, and hope you’ll cast your last vote…

What’s your feedback on the Feedback Week?

  • It was fun participating!
  • I’m curious about the results
  • Sorry I missed it
  • Other (Leave a comment!)

0 voters