Execute a deployment using the Director API

Hi everyone,

I would like to execute a deployment using the director API but I cannot find the endpoint in the API documentation (REST API - Icinga Director)

Can some please point me in the right direction.

Icinga Web 2 Version 2.11.4
director 1.9.0

Many thanks

First example from the link in your post: https://icinga.example.com/icingaweb2/director/host?name=hostname.example.com' so I guess host/icingaweb2/director/endpoint?parameters.

The rest of the documentation is relative to https://icinga.example.com/icingaweb2/ for example director/service, director/host and so on.

Trigger actions

You can of course also use the API to trigger specific actions. Deploying the configuration is as simple as issueing:

POST director/config/deploy

Will result in something like:

POST https://icinga.example.com/icingaweb2/director/config/deploy
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Thank you Dominik!

Just what I was looking for.