I’m in a testing environment with few hosts, with 2 icinga servers, one zone each, one master and one child, both are running r2.10.5-1
I’m not sure what behaviour to expect from following operations :
- setup services/commands configuration in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates
- setup host throught stage in a newly created package
- change throught API at runtime one of the generated service variable depending on a host created in previous package
- apply a change to the host in a new stage of the same package
The idea of those tests is to check if is it possible to change some tresholds at runtime for configuration managed with packages.
When i check for the service variables on icinga console, i still have the values which was previously set at step 3) (which is what i’m needing)
but when i’m looking at debug.log or last_check_result.command the variable disk_args is empty, like if it was not resolved. I made sure to restart and reload both master and satellites.
I’m not sure if this is an expected behaviour, but in a general way, i’d like to know more about runtime operations on configurations issued from packages, i’m probably missing something.
The general idea is to find a clean way to manage services variables at runtime depending on hosts managed in a package.
Here are all the related configurations :
etc configurations (step 1) :
object CheckCommand "custom_check_disk" {
command = [ SysconfDir + "/icinga2/scripts/custom_check_disk.py" ]
arguments = {
"-H" = {
required = true
value = "$address$"
"-D" = {
required = true
value = {{ Json.encode(host.vars.data["disk"]["global"] + macro("$disk_args$")) }}
apply Service "custom_check_disk" for (disk_args in host.vars.data["disk"].fordisks) {
name = "custom_check_disk_" + disk_args.disk_name
retry_interval = 5m
max_check_attempts = 3
check_interval = 5m
retry_interval = 2m
vars.disk_args = disk_args
check_command = "custom_check_disk"
assign where host.vars.data["disk"].fordisks != null
template Host "custom-host" {
max_check_attempts = 3
check_interval = 5m
retry_interval = 2m
check_command = "hostalive"
object Zone "global-templates" {
global = true
object Endpoint "icinga2-api.my.domain" {
host = "icinga2-api.my.domain"
object Endpoint "icinga2-intranet.my.domain" {
host = "icinga2-intranet.my.domain"
# master zone
object Zone "ressource" {
endpoints = [ "icinga2-api.my.domain" ]
# child zone
object Zone "intranet" {
endpoints = [ "icinga2-intranet.my.domain" ]
parent = "ressource"
Package creation (step 2):
curl -s -k -u admin:password -H 'Accept: application/json' -X POST 'https://localhost:5665/v1/config/packages/test-cmdb?pretty=1'
Stage creation (step 2):
curl -s -k -u admin:password -H 'Accept: application/json' -X POST -d '{ "files": { "zones.d/intranet/hosts.conf": "object Host \"package_test_1\" { import \"custom-host\" , address = \"\" , vars = { data = { cpu = { global = { description = \"CPU\" , equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , param = \"5,15,30\" , script = \"custom_check_cpu\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Cpu_test\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" } }, disk = { fordisks = [ { description = \"DiskC\" , disk_name = \"C\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" }, { description = \"DiskD\" , disk_name = \"D\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" } ], global = { equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_disk\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Disk_test\" } }, ram = { global = { description = \"RAM\" , equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_ram\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Ram_test\" , threshold_critical = \"> 90\" , threshold_ok = \"< 50\" } }, service = { forservices = [ { description = \"Dfs,DFS Namespace\" , display_name = \"DFS Namespace\" , service_name = \"Dfs\" , type_service = \"auto_running\" }, { description = \"MSSQLSERVER,SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)\" , display_name = \"SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)\" , service_name = \"MSSQLSERVER\" , type_service = \"auto_running\" }, { description = \"wuauserv,Windows Update\" , display_name = \"Windows Update\" , service_name = \"wuauserv\" , type_service = \"disabled_stopped\" } ], global = { equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_service\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Service_test\" } } } }, zone = \"intranet\"},object Host \"package_test_DPH_2\" { import \"custom-host\" , address = \"\" , vars = { data = { cpu = { global = { description = \"CPU\" , equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , param = \"5,15,30\" , script = \"custom_check_cpu\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Cpu_test\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" } } , disk = { fordisks = [ { description = \"DiskC\" , disk_name = \"C\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" }, { description = \"DiskD\" , disk_name = \"D\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" } ] , global = { equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_disk\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Disk_test\" } } , ram = { global = { description = \"RAM\" , equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_ram\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Ram_test\" , threshold_critical = \"> 90\" , threshold_ok = \"< 50\" } } , service = { forservices = [ { description = \"Dfs,DFS Namespace\" , display_name = \"DFS Namespace\" , service_name = \"Dfs\" , type_service = \"auto_running\" }, { description = \"MSSQLSERVER,SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)\" , display_name = \"SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)\" , service_name = \"MSSQLSERVER\" , type_service = \"auto_running\" }, { description = \"wuauserv,Windows Update\" , display_name = \"Windows Update\" , service_name = \"wuauserv\" , type_service = \"disabled_stopped\" } ] , global = { equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_service\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Service_test\" } } } } , zone = \"intranet\"}" }, "pretty": true }' 'https://localhost:5665/v1/config/stages/test-cmdb'
Runtime service variable change (step 3):
curl -s -k -u admin:password -H 'Accept: application/json' -X POST 'https://localhost:5665/v1/objects/services/package_test_1!custom_check_disk_C' -d '{ "attrs": { "vars": {"service_args":{"description":"DiskC","disk_name ":"C","threshold_critical":"> 90","threshold_ok":"< 90"}}}, "pretty": true }'
2nd Stage creation (step 4):
curl -s -k -u admin:password -H 'Accept: application/json' -X POST -d '{ "files": { "zones.d/intranet/hosts.conf": "object Host \"package_test_1\" { import \"custom-host\" , address = \"\" , vars = { data = { cpu = { global = { description = \"CPU\" , equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , param = \"5,15,30\" , script = \"custom_check_cpu\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Cpu_test\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" } }, disk = { fordisks = [ { description = \"DiskC\" , disk_name = \"C\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" }, { description = \"DiskD\" , disk_name = \"D\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" } ], global = { equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_disk\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Disk_test\" } }, ram = { global = { description = \"RAM\" , equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_ram\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Ram_test\" , threshold_critical = \"> 90\" , threshold_ok = \"< 50\" } }, service = { forservices = [ { description = \"Ffs,FFS Namespace\" , display_name = \"FFS Namespace\" , service_name = \"Ffs\" , type_service = \"auto_Funning\" }, { description = \"MSSQLSERVER,SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)\" , display_name = \"SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)\" , service_name = \"MSSQLSERVER\" , type_service = \"auto_running\" }, { description = \"wuauserv,Windows Update\" , display_name = \"Windows Update\" , service_name = \"wuauserv\" , type_service = \"disabled_stopped\" } ], global = { equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_service\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Service_test\" } } } }, zone = \"intranet\"},object Host \"package_test_DPH_2\" { import \"custom-host\" , address = \"\" , vars = { data = { cpu = { global = { description = \"CPU\" , equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , param = \"5,15,30\" , script = \"custom_check_cpu\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Cpu_test\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" } } , disk = { fordisks = [ { description = \"DiskC\" , disk_name = \"C\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" }, { description = \"DiskD\" , disk_name = \"D\" , threshold_critical = \"> 80\" , threshold_ok = \"< 80\" } ] , global = { equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_disk\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Disk_test\" } } , ram = { global = { description = \"RAM\" , equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_ram\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Ram_test\" , threshold_critical = \"> 90\" , threshold_ok = \"< 50\" } } , service = { forservices = [ { description = \"Dfs,DFS Namespace\" , display_name = \"DFS Namespace\" , service_name = \"Dfs\" , type_service = \"auto_running\" }, { description = \"MSSQLSERVER,SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)\" , display_name = \"SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)\" , service_name = \"MSSQLSERVER\" , type_service = \"auto_running\" }, { description = \"wuauserv,Windows Update\" , display_name = \"Windows Update\" , service_name = \"wuauserv\" , type_service = \"disabled_stopped\" } ] , global = { equipement = \"test-T303\" , name_path = \"CUST\" , script = \"custom_check_service\" , sub_dashboard = \"CUST_Service_test\" } } } } , zone = \"intranet\"}" }, "pretty": true }' 'https://localhost:5665/v1/config/stages/test-cmdb'
Verifications :
on Node icinga2-intranet.my.domain :
<1> => get_service("package_test_1","custom_check_disk_C").vars
service_args = {
description = "DiskC"
"disk_name " = "C"
threshold_critical = "> 90"
threshold_ok = "< 90"
<2> => get_service("package_test_1","custom_check_disk_C").last_check_result.command
[ "/etc/icinga2/scripts/custom_check_disk.py", "-D", "{\"equipement\":\"test-T303\",\"name_path\":\"CUST\",\"script\":\"custom_check_disk\",\"sub_dashboard\":\"CUST_Disk_test\"}", "-H", "" ]
<3> => get_host("package_test_1").vars["data"]["disk"]
fordisks = [ {
description = "DiskC"
disk_name = "C"
threshold_critical = "> 80"
threshold_ok = "< 80"
}, {
description = "DiskD"
disk_name = "D"
threshold_critical = "> 80"
threshold_ok = "< 80"
} ]
global = {
equipement = "test-T303"
name_path = "CUST"
script = "custom_check_disk"
sub_dashboard = "CUST_Disk_test"
Debug.log confirmation :
[2019-07-23 19:18:54 +0200] debug/CheckerComponent: Scheduling info for checkable 'package_test_1!custom_check_disk_C' (2019-07-23 19:18:54 +0200): Object 'package_test_1!custom_check_disk_C', Next Check: 2019-07-23 19:18:54 +0200(1.5639e+09).
[2019-07-23 19:18:54 +0200] debug/CheckerComponent: Executing check for 'package_test_1!custom_check_disk_C'
[2019-07-23 19:18:54 +0200] debug/Checkable: Update checkable 'package_test_1!custom_check_disk_C' with check interval '300' from last check time at 2019-07-23 19:13:56 +0200 (1.5639e+09) to next check time at 2019-07-23 19:23:52 +0200(1.5639e+09).
[2019-07-23 19:18:54 +0200] notice/ApiListener: Relaying 'event::SetNextCheck' message
[2019-07-23 19:18:54 +0200] notice/ApiListener: Sending message 'event::SetNextCheck' to 'icinga2-api.my.domain'
[2019-07-23 19:18:54 +0200] notice/Process: Running command '/etc/icinga2/scripts/custom_check_disk.py' '-D' '{"equipement":"test-T303","name_path":"CUST","script":"custom_check_disk","sub_dashboard":"CUST_Disk_test"}' '-H' '': PID 17639