Hi all,
I am attempting to use the WebHooks feature in Kibana to send passive alerts from our ElasticStack to the Icinga API. I have no issues with the API syntax and JSON payload, however,
Kibana insists that WebHooks are not allowed with self-signed certificates (i.e. the default Icinga API configuration).
Has anyone else successfully achieved this, either by changing a Kibana setting, adding the Icinga cert to Kibana, or by using trusted/company certificates on their Master server ?
I have certificates setup on the Icingaweb2 side for Apache authentication, which is working well, but the API certificates are obviously handled separately. I can see some discussion in the last couple of years relating to using non self-signed certs, but I cannot find any success stories, or specific details of the reasons why it would not work.
I am using Icinga 2.13.x and a recent version of Elastic/Kibana. I am not using Icinga Director.
Thanks in advance,