Dummy service state not updating

I have a dummy service set up to receive results of a daily cron job (runs at 02:00). It’s not a critical cron job, so I have the check_period set to between 09:00-09:15. During this time period, I would expect the service state to change to unknown if the cron job has failed to report its results (no updates in 24 hours), and to send a notification if required if the cron job results are critical or warning. Below are my objects. It doesn’t seem to be performing as expected, so I’m thinking my understanding may be wrong:

object TimePeriod "0900to0915" {
  display_name = "Icinga 2 0900to0915 TimePeriod"
  ranges = {
    "monday"    = "09:00-09:15"
    "tuesday"   = "09:00-09:15"
    "wednesday" = "09:00-09:15"
    "thursday"  = "09:00-09:15"
    "friday"    = "09:00-09:15"
    "saturday"  = "09:00-09:15"
    "sunday"    = "09:00-09:15"

template Service "generic-service" {
  max_check_attempts = 5
  check_interval = 1m
  retry_interval = 30s
  enable_perfdata = false

apply Service "check_something" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "dummy"
  display_name = "Cron: check_something"
  enable_active_checks = true
  enable_passive_checks = true
  check_interval = 24h
  retry_interval = 24h
  max_check_attempts = 1
  check_period = "0900to0915"
  vars.notifications = ["someteam"]
  vars.dummy_state = 3
  vars.dummy_text = {{
    var service = get_service(macro("$host.name$"), macro("$service.name$"))
    var lastCheck = DateTime(service.last_check).to_string()

    return "No check results received." + "\n" + "\n" + "Check logs at `/var/log/icinga_send_result/`." + "\n" + "Check team email for any errors."

  assign where "role" in host.vars.roles

Any suggestions on correcting this?

change that from the service


  check_interval = 5m

that should do the trick