Distributed monitoring in compute cluster

This is not really about a problem - more about seeking some advice before I get going so I don’t create a mess.

I have a working icinga2 with a number of nodes reporting in - what used to be called passive checks; this works fine. I am now building a compute cluster with slurm as the workload manager - each node boots up via PXE to debian 12.

When I set up a new node, I use icinga2 node wizard, and it asks for the common name, which will be the FQDN of the node; however, the compute nodes are diskless servers, so I have to configure this on the boot image, and the node’s name isn’t known. The question then is, is this possible? Can I just use the same common name for all the nodes, or will this cause a conflict somewhere?

Agent nodes also have their own unique zone. By convention you must use the FQDN for the zone name. Details can be found here.