I have a real noob question: I have managed to “loose” the default Dashboard view and I have not been able to find a way to get it back. I have read lots of docs to no avail… Can someone offer me some guidance? I would really appreciate.
Jokes aside:
Did you configure any roles that don’t have access to the Director and login with a user belonging to that role?
Did you strip the admin of it’s right to access the Icinga Director?
Did you disable the Icinga Director module?
Mayou show a screenshot of the webinterface where the Icinga Director is missing?
And what do the permissions under Configuration->Authentication->Roles say for the admin account?
Does it look like in my screenshot?
As you said nothing about “Did you disable the Icinga Director module?” please share this information as well. See Configuration->Modules->Director and check the state.
I have checked and the permissions for Admin are the same as your image: set to allow everything.
I have checked for the Director status and it is not specifically mentioned under my Modules list. I am not sure if it should be. I have the following enable modules: Doc, Monitoring and Setup. Migrate, test and translation are not enabled.
Then you have no Director module installed (or Icinga Web 2 can’t find it)
Are you sure you had it before?
Is there a folder under /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules that is named director (has to be named exactly like this!)?
My apologies for my silence… I have had my head down… I will get to this again on Friday, however I would like to clarify something: I ran a plain installation per the Icinga documentation for installing Icinga2 and IcingaWeb2. From what I can understand, the purpose of the Director module is to allow one to add and configure remote clients using the GUI instead of CLi. Can you tell me if this is correct? I think that the configuration of the default Director Dashboard is dependent on the Dashlets that one adds to it. It seems that that may be where my trouble lies? Please could you let me know if I am on the right track with these thoughts or not.
Thanks so much and I appreciate your guidance
Yes. Simply spoken the Director is the GUI for the configration of Icinga 2.
But it can do much more with the API, Self-Service API and Imports from various sources. https://icinga.com/docs/director/latest/
No, not really. Else please describe in detail what you mean by that
The Director is fully functioning out of the box, no need to add anything. But you can add modules that add functions to it, e.g. fileshipper module for import sources.