I just installed latest releases of icinga2, icingaweb2, icinga-director (August 23 2021). Coming from nagios background.
I’m using Director to set up everything, and I can’t see how to define or use variables.
Setting up ‘hostalive’ Host checks was easy enough.
And now I’m trying to set up Service ‘http’ checks.
It works if I define a command and explicity specify hostname, port, and url:
check_http -H hostname -p port -u /Hosting/AService?wsdl
I assume there is a way to specify variable names though.
If I open a service template, I can select a check command.
And if I create a service, I can import a service template, and specify a host.
And if I look at my specified host, and click ‘Inspect’, I see ‘address’ has the host address, and vars is null.
Is there some way to set vars on objects in Director?
In the docs, I see this:
object CheckCommand "http" {
command = [ PluginDir + "/check_http" ]
arguments = {
"-H" = "$http_vhost$"
"-I" = "$http_address$"
"-u" = "$http_uri$"
"-p" = "$http_port$"
"-S" = {
set_if = "$http_ssl$"
"--sni" = {
set_if = "$http_sni$"
"-a" = {
value = "$http_auth_pair$"
description = "Username:password on sites with basic authentication"
"--no-body" = {
set_if = "$http_ignore_body$"
"-r" = "$http_expect_body_regex$"
"-w" = "$http_warn_time$"
"-c" = "$http_critical_time$"
"-e" = "$http_expect$"
vars.http_address = "$address$"
vars.http_ssl = false
vars.http_sni = false
But in Director, where is http_vhost or http_port being set?
It would be cool if I could substitute some vars, (you know, like templates)
check_http -H $http_vhost$ -p $http_port$ -u $url$
But I don’t see anywhere in Service or Host setup where there is a chance to set variables.