Command endpoint must be in zone 'master'

Hi, I have a fresh installed icinga2 master (r2.10.4-1) on a ubuntu 16.04.
I configured icinga2 (r2.10.4-1) as client on another ubuntu 16.04 (client).
I have a minimal configuration but I’m getting the error

[2019-04-15 15:52:07 +0000] critical/config: Error: Validation failed for object '!load' of type 'Service'; Attribute 'command_endpoint': Command endpoint must be in zone 'master' or in a direct child zone thereof.
Location: in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/services.conf: 1:0-1:19
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/services.conf(1): apply Service "load" {
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/services.conf(2):   import "generic-service"

[2019-04-15 15:52:07 +0000] critical/config: 1 error

I’m lost in something trivial!
Master and client are configured as ‘Top Down Command Endpoint’.

On master:

cat /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/
object Endpoint "" {

object Zone "" {
        endpoints = [ "" ]

object Host "" {
  import "generic-host"
  check_command = "dummy"
  address = ""
  vars.os = "Linux"

  vars.http_vhosts["http"] = {
    http_uri = "/"

  vars.disks["disk"] = {
    /* No parameters. */

  vars.notification["mail"] = {
    /* The UserGroup `icingaadmins` is defined in `users.conf`. */
    groups = [ "icingaadmins" ]

  vars.client_endpoint = name

cat /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/services.conf
apply Service "load" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "load"
  command_endpoint = host.vars.client_endpoint
  assign where host.vars.client_endpoint

What am I missing?

Thank you.

I reply to my self…I forgot the “parent” statement for the client zone…!

object Zone "" {
        endpoints = [ "" ]
        parent = "master"
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