Client for Linux machines

I have some Linux servers without internet access. Are there any offline packages available to install on the client? I shall be grateful if someone can please advise about the available options to install client on servers without internet connectivity.

Do you know the packages repository. There you’ll find installation packages.

Thanks Roland. My setup is ICINGA 2.10.5, ICINGAWeb2 2.7.1 along with Director 1.6.2.

I have tried -

rpm -ivh icinga2-2.7.1-1.el7.icinga.x86_64

Could you please advise what exact rpm’s are required for RedHat Linux client 2.10.5?

Unfortunately, I’m neither familiar with RedHat nor with rpm packages. In general, you need to install all depended packages. From what I see in your screenshot one dependency is icinga-bin.

BTW: Instead of screenshots you should use quoting e.g. as described here.

Simpelst way would be like this:

mkdir -pv /tmp/icinga2-offline

yumdownloader --destdir /tmp/icinga2-offline icinga2 \
boost-program-options \
boost-regex \
icinga2-bin \
icinga2-common \

yum install /tmp/icinga2-offline/*.rpm

I’m not quite sure how well this will work since dependencies needs to be resolved as well.
So consider this as an experimental and maybe helpful tip :wink:

I wrote a howto in the past, can be found here: Installation in a DMZ without internet access


Thanks Michael. I have downloaded the rpms from a Linux client with dependencies and then installed on the DMZ server. It worked.

Could you please tick the “Solution” checkbox in the reply that helped you solve your answer? I just read through the whole thread to see how I can help you just to find that your problem is already fixed. :frowning:

This way you also give kudos to the person who helped you.