Check_ping and integer argument

Hi everyone!

I’m trying to make this check_ping service work. I’ve put the exact same thing as the example in the doc and it’s still giving me an error.

The error is : (3000.0,80%) must be an integer percentage

I used this example :

object CheckCommand “check-alive” {
command = [PluginDir + “/check_ping”]
arguments = {
“-H” = “$HOSTNAME$”
“-w” = “$ping_wrta$,$ping_wpl$%”
“-c” = “$ping_crta$,$ping_cpl$%”
“-p” = “5”
vars.ping_cpl = 100
vars.ping_crta = 5000
vars.ping_wpl = 80
vars.ping_wrta = 3000



Hi Gen,

Is there a reason you’re not using the stock template that already exists? there’s “hostalive” command for host objects and “ping4”, “ping6” for service objects. They take similar variables:

/usr/share/icinga2/include is typically where these command objects reside and give a lot of insight on how to write command objects for custom checks that do not ship with the standard monitoring plugins set.


sorry maybe this is dumb but it’s what I’m using?

Right, that’s the man page for the actual binary, but the link I provided has the CheckCommand object already defined for it. The templates library is great; all the stock plugins are documented for applying to services.


So what you are saying is that I should omit this portion?

arguments = {
“-H” = “$HOSTNAME$”
“-w” = “$ping_wrta$,$ping_wpl$%”
“-c” = “$ping_crta$,$ping_cpl$%”
“-p” = “5”

You don’t have to define that command object at all. You can use the existing ping4 or hostalive command objects that already exist in your service.

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But what about the warning and critical arguments?

Those are defined on the service or host object and the check command in /usr/share includes defaults. The variables are explained in the template doc.

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