I have re-installed my Icinga setup on a new machine, moving from Ubunto to Debian in the process.
While I was able to use check_ide_smart before, I now only get CRITICAL - SMART_CMD_ENABLE as output. This is regardless of the actual disk being checked and happens with any disk. It also doesn’t matter if I run it in Icinga or on the command line.
I have checked smart capabilities, and smartctl happily reports SMART values on any of those drives, so SMART capability and querying aren’t the issue.
I wonder if there may be dependencies that check_ide_smart would rely on that may have not been installed. Obviously, it isn’t smartmontools.
If you have any idea what might be happening and how to fix it, I’m all ears (eyes?).
Also, depending on your setup you might also be able to monitor hard drive/ssd health from the IPMI - check_redfish from bb-ricardo is a pretty neat solution for this:
Thanks for the suggestion. I think I’d implement SMART monitoring in a different way for that particular machine rather than using a different check just for this particular use-case. I’ll give it a look anyway, maybe I’ll have it replaced on all machines, who knows