Change order of objects


short question:

Is there somewhere a option to change the order in a host/service view?

Example: I want the notification information directly under the plugin output:


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Hey there,

sadly you can not configure the order of the different elements.
Can you tell me about why this is important to you? :slight_smile:

Hope you’re having a nice day!


its simple:

I want the “Additional Infos”, “Comments” and “Variables” on the top.

In the most cases of my hosts I store in the “Variables” some things like location, serial number, ip, parents… so its easier to get the information on the first view without scrolling to the bottom to skip fields like Actions, Downtimes…

Also if I explain this view to my collegues or other guys I have to explain “here bro, scroll down to see your details that u need to know”. :slight_smile:

Thats the reason why.

Philipp from north germany

you can patch the detail-content.phtml of your monitoring module and adjust the order to your favour.
Be aware that you might reapply your patch after updating icingaweb2 or the monitoring module

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Good point!

But I’m using “icingadb v. 1.0.2”. Same option other there?

I found the option for icingadb on debian12:

File: /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/icingadb/library/icingadb/widget/detail/Service(Host)Detail.php and just define a new order in this file with the numbers (I have no clue about this rating, dont know php).

But it works for me. :slight_smile: