I’m looking for a way to monitor the CPU Ready metric in icinga for my VMs. Is that possible?
I’m looking for a way to monitor the CPU Ready metric in icinga for my VMs. Is that possible?
maybe, you can monitor everything in icinga, even the weather, as long as there is a check for that. these checks can be found online or you write them yourself.
Here is a example that might be appropriate for your request:
"--subselect" = {
#set_if = ( ( "$vmware_subselect$" == "ready" ) || ( "$vmware_subselect$ == "wait" ) || ( "$vmware_subselect$" == "usage" ) )
# why explicitly check for values as I cannot raise an error/warning?
#set_if = "$vmware_subselect$"
value = "$vmware_subselect$"
# NOTE : the docs talk about VMs where as the code is about the host. Wrong docs supplied with the plugin?
description = "(Optional). Subselection: ready, wait, usage"