Business Process Module with more complex check syntax


I want to use the business process module to monitor complex service chains.
Actually I do the following:

Availability = host;check1 & host;check2 & host;check3

For more complex availability checks i need to expand it into HA services. For example:
Availability = (host1;check1 & host1;check2 & host1;check3) || (host2;check1 & host2;check2 & host2;check3)

But regarding the error messages I see that neither grouping nor mixing & and || are supported.
Do I do something wrong or are there other possibilities to get an availability check with business process objects done?

Thanks in advance and kind regards


TLDR: Yes, the solution is always more nodes.

Because of the archaic config format, the operators are very limited and can’t be easily expanded.

For grouping, you just create new nodes for host1 and host2 and put the checks in their respective nodes.


Hi Dominik,

thanks you for the hint. This config works for me:

Availability_1 = host1;check1 & host1;check2 & host1;checkn
Availability_2 = host2;check1 & host2;check2 & host2;checkn
Availability = Availability_1 | Availability_2
display 1;Availability;Availability
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