Automatic config deployment after Import and Sync

I’m looking for an option to automatically deploy config changes that happen during the Import and Sync process.

I know that there is an option to create a job that will deploy the config automatically but that doesn’t fit my needs.

Ideally I want the changes coming from the import source to be deployed automatically but any other changes to be reviewed and deployed manually.

In case there is no such option in Director I would like to know a way of getting a list of pending config changes from the activity log. I’m unable to find a proper API endpoint or a cli command.

Not sure if this is possible with the enterprise support version of the director.
Maybe contact sales about this?

Hello, Dominik, thanks for your swift reply!

I’m not sure what the version you mentioned provides and if it will allow me to configure it in a desired way.

I’m ready to do some scripting to implement it the other way but it seems like getting a list of pending changes is not implemented in either API or CLI.

The background daemon is responsible for running Jobs accoring our schedule. Director allows you to schedule eventually long- running tasks so that they can run in the background.

Currently this includes:

  • Import runs
  • Sync runs
  • Housekeeping tasks
  • Config rendering and deployment

That would do a scheduled deployment. If your sync job is also scheduled this might help

Hello, thanks for your reply,

As I mentioned, I am aware of the Jobs feature in Director but that isn’t flexible enough for me.

Is there a way to make the Config deploy Job trigger only when there are changes introduced by another Sync Job? I want to be able to review any other changes manually.

It provides branches and pull requests analogous to how git works but I’ve never used. This is why a would recommend you to schedule a call with Icinga2 sales.

If you have a subscription you could try the module directorbranches which is what @rivad mentioned as enterprise director. But since changes are sequential you can not do that with director only

First check for changes in the import process.

If there are open changes in the import rule check for changes in the activity log, trigger an alert check the manual

Now the director is reviewed check for changes in the import sync and can run the sync rule and autodepoly via api