Ansible modules for managing downtimes

I foolishly assumed that Ansible already had modules for scheduling and clearing Icinga 2 downtimes, but a reasonably extensive search turned up empty. The only available Icinga modules are for adding or removing hosts and enabling/disabling features. Am I missing something? Before I start hacking, has anyone done any work in this area?

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The ansible modules are a WIP and we are adding functionality as we go along.
There are 2 ansible icinga2 repositories, one with the ability to add hosts and configure checks,

the other is a massive re-write and designed to help build a full redundant and distributed Icinga2 deployment with features management.

Sadly work on the new module has slowed down due to people IRL commitments and we are always happy to accept PR’s from the community to enhance the existing functionality for both playbooks.

If you want to contribute, please go over the issues listing in each repository to see what we are aiming to add, or if you have any functionality that is not covered in any of the listed issues, we will gladly check any PR that answers that feature.

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Hi Magnus, I had the exact same issue. I ended up writing a role using the URI module and triggering downtimes via Icinga2 API. It looks like this:
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

- name: set Host downtime
  delegate_to: localhost
    url: "{{ icinga_host }}:{{ icinga_api_port }}{{ icinga_dt_url }}type={{ type }}&{{ type|lower }}={{ item }}.{{ ansible_domain }}"
    user: "{{ icinga_api_user }}"
    password: "{{ icinga_api_pass }}"
    validate_certs: false
    method: POST
    body_format: json
      Accept: "application/json"
    status_code: 200
    body: '{ "author": "{{ author }}", "comment": "{{ comment }}",
      "notify": true, "pretty": true, "start_time": {{ ansible_date_time.epoch }},
      "end_time": "{{ ansible_date_time.epoch | int + duration | int }}", "duration": {{ duration }}, "fixed": false }'
  with_items: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
  when: type == 'Host'

Just as an example for host downtimes…hope this helps… Best Steve

Example Run

ansible-playbook icinga_downtime.yml -l HOST --ask-vault-pass --extra-vars '{dt_task: "add or remove", type: "Service or Host", (service: ["SERVICENAME"],) comment: "your comment", duration: "your duration", author: "author"}'

Hi Steve,
great example. Could you please format the code samples as pre-formatted text? It would increase the readability :wink:
Kind regards,

Those are Ansible roles for setting up Icinga itself. I don’t see how they would be useful for manipulating downtimes from non-Icinga playbooks.

Thanks for the example! I had the uri module as a backup plan and I’m glad it’s actually doable, but it sure doesn’t look pretty.

Instead of hard-coding a serialized JSON object perhaps one could construct a Jinja2 dict and pass it through the to_json filter:

body: '{{ {"author": author, "comment": comment, ...} | to_json }}'
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Hi Bernd, sorry I’m new here. I really tried using the CTRL+SHIFT+C solution from this editor here, but it is still not working. Is there any trick? Thanks

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Hi Steve,
no problem :wink: I realized right now it isn’t sufficient to just indent the text (or use the Ctrl+Shift+C key). You have to insert a blank line before:

- name: set Host downtime
  delegate_to: localhost

vs. not having a blank line:
- name: set Host downtime
delegate_to: localhost

Kind regards,

Source view

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