Agent checks on remote system

I have the following service check:

apply Service "ssh" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "ssh"
  assign where (host.address || host.address6) && host.vars.os == "Linux"

Currently it sits in: /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/services.conf

But I would like to change the command_endpoint to just run on my master node. When I moved it to:
And added command_endpoint = NodeName I got this error:

[2024-08-11 21:42:43 -0400] critical/config: Error: Validation failed for object 'tesla.lan!ssh' of type 'Service'; Attribute 'command_endpoint': Command endpoint must be in zone 'tesla.lan' or in a direct child zone thereof.
Location: in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/services.conf: 90:1-90:19
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/services.conf(88):  */
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/services.conf(90): apply Service "ssh" {
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/master/services.conf(91):   import "generic-service"

My question is:

How do I perform most of my checks from the agent, but have a few checks that the master runs?

I would prefer to have ā€˜pingā€™, ā€˜sshā€™, ā€˜httpā€™ etc checks to come from outside where as ā€˜serviceā€™ checks and ā€˜diskā€™ checks should come from inside the host.

Storing object definitions in different directories does not change the where a check is executed. This is done within service objects. With command_endpoint configured it will be executed there, if not it will be executed on its parent.

NB: We are using Director, so I will speak only for the case when Director is used.

In Service Apply Rules, you canā€™t set the command_endpoint. You have to create different Service Templates, one for each command_endpoint, and then create one Service Apply Rule per Service Template.

You can use the same name for all Service Apply Rules, BUT if you do so, you have to make sure you do not apply more than one service with the same name to a host. In other words, your ā€œAssign whereā€ clauses must be mutually exclusive for Apply Rules with the same name.

Hope this helps,


I moved the check back to global-templates and left the command_endpoint = NodeName (which is the master) and it crashed with a similar error:

[2024-08-12 10:29:10 -0400] critical/config: Error: Validation failed for object 'tesla.lan!ssh' of type 'Service'; Attribute 'command_endpoint': Command endpoint must be in zone 'tesla.lan' or in a direct child zone thereof.
Location: in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/services.conf: 59:1-59:19
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/services.conf(57):  */
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/services.conf(59): apply Service "ssh" {
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/services.conf(60):   import "generic-service"

Here is my ā€˜sshā€™ service:

apply Service "ssh" {
  import "generic-service"

  check_command = "ssh"
  command_endpoint = NodeName                                        
  assign where (host.address || host.address6) && host.vars.os == "Linux"

Please remove this and be happy.

Iā€™m starting to worry people arenā€™t reading my question.

I removed the entry you mention, but it says itā€™s checking from itself.

I do not want Host1 to be checking Host1, I want master to be checking Host1:

Note the check source, it says ā€˜tesla.lanā€™ on the host: ā€˜tesla.lanā€™. it should have the path of my ā€œmasterā€

I created a new host, I put it in the master zone. This host I donā€™t want to install an agent on it, so putting it in the master zone makes sense.

I was able to perform ssh and ping checks from the master.

Note: this is exactly what I want for the other hosts, but I want to also run the agent and do additional checks locally.

It seems to me that the answer to my initial question is: ā€œItā€™s not possibleā€ but I wanted to confirm with someone that actually knows if this is the case.


I am sure this is possible :slight_smile:

You should have
command_endpoint = null
in the ā€œapply Serviceā€.

Hope this will work,


That makes sense to me, but as you can see here, it is still coming from the local agent:

 76 apply Service "ping4" {                        
 77   import "generic-service"                     
 79   check_command = "ping4"                      
 80   command_endpoint = null                      
 82   assign where host.address                    
 83 }                                              

This is the error I donā€™t understand, how it could be possible.

Just in case the wrapping is preventing other people from reading it:

Validation failed for object ā€˜tesla.lan!sshā€™ of type ā€˜Serviceā€™; Attribute ā€˜command_endpointā€™: Command endpoint must be in zone ā€˜tesla.lanā€™ or in a direct child zone thereof.

Master isnā€™t the direct child zone of tesla.lan, itā€™s the parent. which makes me think itā€™s not possible to have a parent host check a child host?

Ok, this is my last answer to you.

Means, this host is in the wrong zone.

No, this is the correct setting by default. No matter if you are using agent or not.

Then you need to define services with

command_endpoint =


Good, then maybe Iā€™ll get some responses from other people.

I want the host to check itself for disk checks. so no it must be in the right zone. It wouldnā€™t work otherwise. Unless I misunderstand.

and weā€™re back to the beginning, because thatā€™s not what I want.

Here I explicitly set the zone I want my check to happen from:

apply Service "ssh" {                                                    
  import "generic-service"                                               
  check_command = "ssh"                                                  
  command_endpoint = "ohm.lan"                                         
  assign where (host.address || host.address6) && host.vars.os == "Linux"

And it gives me this error that I referenced before:

Thank you for this comment. Iā€™ve accepted this as the answer.

I think I have it working, if not Iā€™ll post a new question on a fresh foot with my question.

I moved the host to the master zone, and now my other zone folders are empty (which confuses me a bit).

The endpoints are configured in the global template folder, so they donā€™t need to be movedā€¦

I generally I really donā€™t understand why zone folders are used if I want everything on the master and global templatesā€¦ I wonder if thereā€™s any place I can read more about this.

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Maybe this threads about satellites could help: Howto tell the Director to use a specific host for expensive checks? - #10 by rivad