Access to icinga dashboard without authentication

We use icinga2 monitoring to monitor all our infrastructure, we want to set a dashboard with some items without authentication, i have read the documentation again but i didn’t find anything related to that, is there a solution to set a dashboard without authentication ?


AFAIK this is not possible with no workaround. There is an issue regarding this though:

Dashing dashboard, see the blog, is probably a good alternative.

Otherwise Grafana offers some good dashboards, whether you use graphite or influxDB.

You can also use grafana for showing a servicestate. But I would recommend just a readonly user for the icingaweb

Hi guys,

Thank you for the replies, i will try them and get back to you.



you can create a specific read-only role in Icinga Web 2, and assign a user for it. Next up, create a specific VHost configuration inside Apache/Nginx and restrict access based on IP addresses or something similar. Set REMOTE_USER as env variable to that restricted user name. The last thing where I am not sure if required is to also have an auth backend with the type external as additional fallback resource.

I’m not 100% sure the above works, but at least worth a try.


Hi guys,
Thank you for all your replies,

I think we are gonna choose grafana with Status Panel cause it’s the best option for us, the documentation isn’t clear about that, i will open an issue about it.

Many thanks,

We went that way (Apache/VirtualHost) to feed our big screen monitors.

In authentication.ini, we have two types of authentication configured. First [icingaweb_ldap] is for regular users, and second [autologin] backend = external is for the screen user with monitoring restricted access.

In the VirtualHost we then restrict IP access:

   <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
      # Apache 2.4
      SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "^aaa\.bbb\.ccc\.dd[6,8]$" REMOTE_USER=screen
          Require ip aaa.bbb.ccc.dd6 aaa.bbb.ccc.dd8