SQL Server Monitoring


Is there a plugin available or a method to trigger an alarm when a new database is created in sql server ?

Thank you!


never heard of triggers for this. Which RDBMS are you inspecting here? Maybe it has a hookable system. On the other hand, it sounds too complicated. I would rather use a simple check which attempts to look for a specific database and fails then. One could use the exists check, and negate that result.



I succeed to make a service-check to count databases older than 24 hours; it’s not exactly what i want but it’s the easier solution .
The result of the query is an integer and i set warning and critical thresholds to 0, which means that every result of the query, 1 or much, will send an critical alarms for 24 hours; then the service-check will be GREEN again.
This is the command of the service-check:
./check_mssql_health --commit --server XXXXX --username XXXxxx --password xxxxxx --mode sql --name ‘SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.databases where datediff(hour,create_date,getdate())<24’ --report short --timeout 30 --warning 0 --critical 0 .

The output is not very nice:
CRITICAL - select count(*) from sys.databases where datediff(hour, create_date, getdate())<24: 1

Some “nice to have” is to adjust the output of the service, like :
“OK – No database was created within the last 24 hours.”
“CRITICAL – [value of sql-statement] databases have been created during the last 24 hours.”


Hehe, I remembered that there was an option for this. Check the docs and look for --name2.

  • –name2 <string>
    If you use –mode=sql, the SQL-statement will be shown in the plugin output and the performance data (which looks ugly). The parameter name2 can be used to provide a used-defined string.

Next time, please add the details about the RDBMS and your check plugin in your initial question. That makes it easier to help :slight_smile:



Yes, the option “–name2” it’s working but unfortunately i can’t put 2 different outputs , one for OK state and another for CRITICAL state . :pensive::pensive:



then I’d say you’ll need to look into a plugin wrapper, as shown in this topic: How to write a bash script wrapper (newbie script for ITL check_yum plugin)

You’ll need to detect the different outputs from your plugin, and change that accordingly then.
