Setup a Virtual master

I have to confess, that I don’t do it all by myself but with support of the Linuxfabrik and thus I use there Ansible role lfops/roles/icinga2_master at main · Linuxfabrik/lfops · GitHub and some of my needs influenced this role.

I do less and less manually and as soon as I get the VM, I use Ansible to set up the applications and services. In the Icinga context, for Endnodes I use lfops/roles/icinga2_agent at main · Linuxfabrik/lfops · GitHub and there are more roles to manage icingaweb2 and icingaweb2 modules.

I am still not clear…Should i have to run node wizard on new server to make it as a satellite even though my remaining configuration would be managed by puppet by updating the configs and i hav something like this in my manifest file in puppet

class { ‘icinga::satellite’:
icinga2_master => ‘’,
# Ticket has to be generated on the icinga master using - icinga2 pki ticket --cn ‘${satellite_fqdn}’
icinga2_ticket => ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’,
# SNMP community name
snmp_community => ‘xyz_monitor’

The Ansible roles leverage icinga2 node setup: