New Icinga Installation

This is because the node wizard will stop including the example configuration from the /etc/icinga2/conf.d directory.
I would also suggest you check the docs posted by @aclark6996

This is entirely up to you :smiley: You could use the agent, the new Icinga for Windows. If the agent is already installed on the servers you could connect them to the new master by running the node wizard of the agent again.

What kind of zones do you mean? Satellite zones, other global zones?

I would say no. I would go for either graphite or influxdb+grafana.

Yes. The simple way would be to enable ssl in your webserver and just rewrite the http calls to https.
Example for apache2 running on Ubuntu/Debian

sed -i '/DocumentRoot/a\
                # Redirect to Subfolder icingaweb2\
                RedirectMatch ^\/$ \/icingaweb2\/' /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf

sed -i '/DocumentRoot/a\
        # Rewrite to HTTPS\
        RewriteEngine On\
        RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off\
        RewriteRule ^\/?(.*)$ https:\/\/%{HTTP_HOST}\/$1 [R=301,L]' /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

systemctl restart apache2.service

This will leave you with a simple https setup, you will need to change the ssl certificate in your webserver with one mathcing the website/hostname.

Don’t think so, the icinga-ido db does not need the UTF-8 encoding afaik.