object CheckCommand "system_basics" { command = [PluginContribDir + "/check_system_basics"] arguments = { "--dump-icinga2-config" = { value = "" description = "Dump icinga2 config for this plugin" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_dump_icinga2_config$" repeat_key = false } "--timeout" = { value = "$system_basics_timeout$" description = "Timeout for the check" repeat_key = false } "--debug" = { value = "" description = "Enable debug output" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_debug$" repeat_key = false } "--help" = { value = "" description = "help for check_system_basics" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_help$" repeat_key = false } } } object CheckCommand "system_basics_filesystem" { import "system_basics" command = [PluginContribDir + "/check_system_basics"] arguments = { "--criticalAbsolutFreeSpace" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_criticalAbsolutFreeSpace$" description = "Absolute critical threshold for free filesystem space." repeat_key = false } "--warningAbsolutFreeSpace" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_warningAbsolutFreeSpace$" description = "Absolute warning threshold for free filesystem space." repeat_key = false } "--criticalAbsolutUsedSpace" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_criticalAbsolutUsedSpace$" description = "Absolute critical threshold for used filesystem space." repeat_key = false } "--warningAbsolutUsedSpace" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_warningAbsolutUsedSpace$" description = "Absolute warning threshold for used filesystem space." repeat_key = false } "--criticalPercentFreeSpace" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_criticalPercentFreeSpace$" description = "Percentage critical threshold for free filesystem space. (Default: 2:100)" repeat_key = false } "--warningPercentFreeSpace" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_warningPercentFreeSpace$" description = "Percentage warning threshold for free filesystem space. (Default: 5:100)" repeat_key = false } "--criticalPercentUsedSpace" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_criticalPercentUsedSpace$" description = "Percentage critical threshold for used filesystem space." repeat_key = false } "--warningPercentUsedSpace" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_warningPercentUsedSpace$" description = "Percentage warning threshold for used filesystem space." repeat_key = false } "--warningAbsolutFreeInodes" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_warningAbsolutFreeInodes$" description = "Absolute critical threshold for number of free inodes" repeat_key = false } "--criticalAbsolutUsedInodes" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_criticalAbsolutUsedInodes$" description = "Absolute critical threshold for number of used inodes" repeat_key = false } "--criticalPercentFreeInodes" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_criticalPercentFreeInodes$" description = "Percentage critical threshold for percentage of free inodes" repeat_key = false } "--warningPercentFreeInodes" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_warningPercentFreeInodes$" description = "Percentage warning threshold for percentage of free inodes" repeat_key = false } "--criticalPercentUsedInodes" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_criticalPercentUsedInodes$" description = "Percentage critical threshold for percentage of used inodes (Default: 98)" repeat_key = false } "--warningPercentUsedInodes" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_warningPercentUsedInodes$" description = "Percentage warning threshold for percentage of used inodes (Default: 99)" repeat_key = false } "--warningTotalCountOfMatches" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_warningTotalCountOfMatches$" description = "A warning threshold for the number of filesystems matching the filters" repeat_key = false } "--criticalTotalCountOfMatches" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_criticalTotalCountOfMatches$" description = "A critical threshold for the number of filesystems matching the filters" repeat_key = false } "--exclude-fs-type" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_exclude_fs_type$" description = {{{Ignore all filesystems of indicated type (may be repeated). E.g. 'zfs', 'apfs' Note: The same thresholds will be applied to all filesystems}}} } "--include-fs-type" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_include_fs_type$" description = {{{Explicitly include only filesystems of indicated type (may be repeated). E.g. 'zfs', 'apfs' Note: The same thresholds will be applied to all filesystems}}} } "--exclude-device-path" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_exclude_device_path$" description = "Ignore the given device path regex (may be repeated). E.g. '/dev/sd.*'" } "--include-device-path" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_include_device_path$" description = "Explicitly include only filesystems of indicated type (may be repeated). E.g. '/dev/sda'" } "--exclude-mount-path" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_exclude_mount_path$" description = "Ignore the given mount path regex (may be repeated). E.g. '^/srv/mount.*'" } "--include-mount-path" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_include_mount_path$" description = "Explicitly include only filesystems of indicated type (may be repeated). E.g. '/dev/sda'" } "--exclude-mount-options" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_exclude_mount_options$" description = "Ignore the filesystems with this mount option (in form of a go regexp regex) (may be repeated). E.g. 'async' or '^sync$'" } "--include-mount-options" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_include_mount_options$" description = "Explicitly include only filesystems mounted with the given option (in form of a go regexp regex) (may be repeated). E.g. 'async' or '^sync$'" } "--readonly-filesystems" = { value = "" description = "Only list filesystem mounted as readonly. This is just a convenient shorthand for \"--include-mount-options '^ro$'\"" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_filesystem_readonly_filesystems$" repeat_key = false } "--readwrite-filesystems" = { value = "" description = "Only list filesystem mounted as readwrite. This is just a convenient shorthand for \"--include-mount-options '^rw$'\"" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_filesystem_readwrite_filesystems$" repeat_key = false } "--timeout" = { value = "$system_basics_filesystem_timeout$" description = "Timeout for the check" repeat_key = false } "--debug" = { value = "" description = "Enable debug output" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_filesystem_debug$" repeat_key = false } "filesystem" = { value = "" set_if = true order = -1 repeat_key = false } } } object CheckCommand "system_basics_load" { import "system_basics" command = [PluginContribDir + "/check_system_basics"] arguments = { "--load1-warning" = { value = "$system_basics_load_load1_warning$" description = "Warning threshold for the load 1 minute average." repeat_key = false } "--load1-critical" = { value = "$system_basics_load_load1_critical$" description = "Critical threshold for the load 1 minute average." repeat_key = false } "--load5-warning" = { value = "$system_basics_load_load5_warning$" description = "Warning threshold for the load 5 minute average." repeat_key = false } "--load5-critical" = { value = "$system_basics_load_load5_critical$" description = "Critical threshold for the load 5 minute average." repeat_key = false } "--load15-warning" = { value = "$system_basics_load_load15_warning$" description = "Warning threshold for the load 15 minute average." repeat_key = false } "--load15-critical" = { value = "$system_basics_load_load15_critical$" description = "Critical threshold for the load 15 minute average." repeat_key = false } "--per-cpu" = { value = "" description = "Divide the load averages by the number of CPUs" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_load_per_cpu$" repeat_key = false } "--timeout" = { value = "$system_basics_load_timeout$" description = "Timeout for the check" repeat_key = false } "--debug" = { value = "" description = "Enable debug output" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_load_debug$" repeat_key = false } "load" = { value = "" set_if = true order = -1 repeat_key = false } } } object CheckCommand "system_basics_memory" { import "system_basics" command = [PluginContribDir + "/check_system_basics"] arguments = { "--memory-free-warning" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_free_warning$" description = "Warning threshold for free memory" repeat_key = false } "--memory-free-critical" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_free_critical$" description = "Critical threshold for free memory" repeat_key = false } "--memory-free-critical-percentage" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_free_critical_percentage$" description = "Critical threshold for free memory" repeat_key = false } "--memory-used-warning" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_used_warning$" description = "Warning threshold for used memory" repeat_key = false } "--memory-used-critical" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_used_critical$" description = "Critical threshold for used memory" repeat_key = false } "--memory-used-warning-percentage" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_used_warning_percentage$" description = "Warning threshold for used memory" repeat_key = false } "--memory-used-critical-percentage" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_used_critical_percentage$" description = "Critical threshold for used memory" repeat_key = false } "--memory-available-warning" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_available_warning$" description = "Warning threshold for available memory" repeat_key = false } "--memory-available-critical" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_available_critical$" description = "Critical threshold for available memory" repeat_key = false } "--memory-available-warning-percentage" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_available_warning_percentage$" description = "Warning threshold for available memory (Default: 15:100)" repeat_key = false } "--memory-available-critical-percentage" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_memory_available_critical_percentage$" description = "Critical threshold for available memory (Default: 5:100)" repeat_key = false } "--swap-free-warning" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_swap_free_warning$" description = "Warning threshold for free memory" repeat_key = false } "--swap-free-critical" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_swap_free_critical$" description = "Critical threshold for free memory" repeat_key = false } "--swap-free-warning-percentage" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_swap_free_warning_percentage$" description = "Warning threshold for free memory" repeat_key = false } "--swap-free-critical-percentage" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_swap_free_critical_percentage$" description = "Critical threshold for free memory" repeat_key = false } "--swap-used-warning" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_swap_used_warning$" description = "Warning threshold for used memory" repeat_key = false } "--swap-used-critical" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_swap_used_critical$" description = "Critical threshold for used memory" repeat_key = false } "--swap-used-warning-percentage" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_swap_used_warning_percentage$" description = "Warning threshold for used memory (Default: 20)" repeat_key = false } "--swap-used-critical-percentage" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_swap_used_critical_percentage$" description = "Critical threshold for used memory (Default: 85)" repeat_key = false } "--percentage-in-perfdata" = { value = "" description = "Add computed percentage values to perfdata, although they are technically redundant" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_memory_percentage_in_perfdata$" repeat_key = false } "--timeout" = { value = "$system_basics_memory_timeout$" description = "Timeout for the check" repeat_key = false } "--debug" = { value = "" description = "Enable debug output" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_memory_debug$" repeat_key = false } "memory" = { value = "" set_if = true order = -1 repeat_key = false } } } object CheckCommand "system_basics_netdev" { import "system_basics" command = [PluginContribDir + "/check_system_basics"] arguments = { "--debug" = { value = "" description = "Enable debug output" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_netdev_debug$" repeat_key = false } "--down-is-critical" = { value = "" description = "Setting this option will set the state to CRITICAL if an interface is DOWN" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_netdev_down_is_critical$" repeat_key = false } "--exclude-interface-name" = { value = "$system_basics_netdev_exclude_interface_name$" description = "Ignore all interfaces where the interface name matches this regexp regex (may be repeated). E.g. 'eth', '^et.*'" } "--include-interface-name" = { value = "$system_basics_netdev_include_interface_name$" description = "Explicitly include only interfaces whose names match this regexp regex (may be repeated). E.g. 'eth', '^et.*'" } "--not-up-is-ok" = { value = "" description = "Setting this option will set the state to OK regardless of the actual state of an interface" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_netdev_not_up_is_ok$" repeat_key = false } "--timeout" = { value = "$system_basics_netdev_timeout$" description = "Timeout for the check" repeat_key = false } "netdev" = { value = "" set_if = true order = -1 repeat_key = false } } } object CheckCommand "system_basics_no-help" { import "system_basics" command = [PluginContribDir + "/check_system_basics"] arguments = { "--debug" = { value = "" description = "Enable debug output" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_no-help_debug$" repeat_key = false } "--timeout" = { value = "$system_basics_no-help_timeout$" description = "Timeout for the check" repeat_key = false } "no-help" = { value = "" set_if = true order = -1 repeat_key = false } } } object CheckCommand "system_basics_psi" { import "system_basics" command = [PluginContribDir + "/check_system_basics"] arguments = { "--warning-cpu-avg" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_cpu_avg$" description = "Warning threshold for all the pressure/cpu values. Will be overwritten by more specific parameters." repeat_key = false } "--critical-cpu-avg" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_cpu_avg$" description = "Critical threshold for all the pressure/cpu values. Will be overwritten by more specific parameters." repeat_key = false } "--warning-memory-avg" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_memory_avg$" description = "Warning threshold for all the pressure/memory values. Will be overwritten by more specific parameters." repeat_key = false } "--critical-memory-avg" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_memory_avg$" description = "Critical threshold for all the pressure/memory values. Will be overwritten by more specific parameters." repeat_key = false } "--warning-io-avg" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_io_avg$" description = "Warning threshold for all the pressure/io values. Will be overwritten by more specific parameters." repeat_key = false } "--critical-io-avg" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_io_avg$" description = "Critical threshold for all the pressure/io values. Will be overwritten by more specific parameters." repeat_key = false } "--warning-cpu-some-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_cpu_some_avg10$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/cpu Some Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-cpu-some-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_cpu_some_avg60$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/cpu Some Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-cpu-some-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_cpu_some_avg300$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/cpu Some Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-cpu-full-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_cpu_full_avg10$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/cpu Full Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-cpu-full-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_cpu_full_avg60$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/cpu Full Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-cpu-full-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_cpu_full_avg300$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/cpu Full Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-io-some-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_io_some_avg10$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/io Some Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-io-some-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_io_some_avg60$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/io Some Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-io-some-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_io_some_avg300$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/io Some Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-io-full-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_io_full_avg10$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/io Full Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-io-full-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_io_full_avg60$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/io Full Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-io-full-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_io_full_avg300$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/io Full Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-memory-some-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_memory_some_avg10$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/memory Some Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-memory-some-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_memory_some_avg60$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/memory Some Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-memory-some-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_memory_some_avg300$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/memory Some Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-memory-full-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_memory_full_avg10$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/memory Full Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-memory-full-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_memory_full_avg60$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/memory Full Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--warning-memory-full-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_warning_memory_full_avg300$" description = "Warning threshold for the pressure/memory Full Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-cpu-some-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_cpu_some_avg10$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/cpu Some Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-cpu-some-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_cpu_some_avg60$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/cpu Some Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-cpu-some-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_cpu_some_avg300$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/cpu Some Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-cpu-full-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_cpu_full_avg10$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/cpu Full Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-cpu-full-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_cpu_full_avg60$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/cpu Full Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-cpu-full-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_cpu_full_avg300$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/cpu Full Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-io-some-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_io_some_avg10$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/io Some Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-io-some-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_io_some_avg60$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/io Some Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-io-some-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_io_some_avg300$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/io Some Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-io-full-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_io_full_avg10$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/io Full Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-io-full-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_io_full_avg60$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/io Full Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-io-full-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_io_full_avg300$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/io Full Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-memory-some-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_memory_some_avg10$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/memory Some Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-memory-some-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_memory_some_avg60$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/memory Some Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-memory-some-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_memory_some_avg300$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/memory Some Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-memory-full-avg10" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_memory_full_avg10$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/memory Full Avg10 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-memory-full-avg60" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_memory_full_avg60$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/memory Full Avg60 value" repeat_key = false } "--critical-memory-full-avg300" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_critical_memory_full_avg300$" description = "Critical threshold for the pressure/memory Full Avg300 value" repeat_key = false } "--include-cpu" = { value = "" description = "Include CPU values explicitly (by default all are included)" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_psi_include_cpu$" repeat_key = false } "--include-memory" = { value = "" description = "Include Memory values explicitly (by default all are included)" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_psi_include_memory$" repeat_key = false } "--include-io" = { value = "" description = "Include IO values explicitly (by default all are included)" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_psi_include_io$" repeat_key = false } "--timeout" = { value = "$system_basics_psi_timeout$" description = "Timeout for the check" repeat_key = false } "--debug" = { value = "" description = "Enable debug output" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_psi_debug$" repeat_key = false } "psi" = { value = "" set_if = true order = -1 repeat_key = false } } } object CheckCommand "system_basics_sensors" { import "system_basics" command = [PluginContribDir + "/check_system_basics"] arguments = { "--debug" = { value = "" description = "Enable debug output" skip_key = true set_if = "$system_basics_sensors_debug$" repeat_key = false } "--timeout" = { value = "$system_basics_sensors_timeout$" description = "Timeout for the check" repeat_key = false } "sensors" = { value = "" set_if = true order = -1 repeat_key = false } } }