Unable to process available data?

What does this mean:

[2019-03-15 13:20:03 +0000] information/HttpServerConnection: Unable to process available data, they're already being processed in another thread
[2019-03-15 13:20:03 +0000] information/HttpServerConnection: Unable to process available data, they're already being processed in another thread
[2019-03-15 13:20:03 +0000] information/HttpServerConnection: Request: POST /v1/actions/process-check-result?service=cx1-138-5-1.cx1.hpc.ic.ac.uk%21check_fs (from []:50050), user: client-pki-ticket-cx1-admin)
[2019-03-15 13:20:03 +0000] information/HttpServerConnection: Request: POST /v1/actions/process-check-result?service=cx1-141-4-3.cx1.hpc.ic.ac.uk%21checkmem (from []:43576), user: client-pki-ticket-cx1-admin)
[2019-03-15 13:20:03 +0000] information/HttpServerConnection: Unable to process available data, they're already being processed in another thread
[2019-03-15 13:20:03 +0000] warning/TlsStream: TLS stream was disconnected.
[2019-03-15 13:20:03 +0000] information/HttpServerConnection: Request: POST /v1/actions/process-check-result?service=cx1-103-6-3.cx1.hpc.ic.ac.uk%21check_fs (from []:43140), user: client-pki-ticket-cx1-admin)

I see this message: Unable to process available data, they're already being processed in another thread a lot in the log files both on the master and the client zone - what does it mean, and is it something that I should fix? If so, how?

It’s an internal message which means that the actual data processing already happens in a different thread. This may also include a call to disconnect the client already. You can do nothing about it, it is stability issue with the API in 2.10 which will be reworked with 2.11 - see this tweet from Icinga Camp Berlin.


OK, thanks for letting me know.

When will 2.11 be released?

Unfortunately, I’m facing this issue as well and my SLA reporting is based on it and delivers wrong results now.

Roughly estimated, we need to implement:

  • cluster config sync where a PoC exists - my task
  • notification engine scheduler - WIP
  • network stack - http clients plus logging - my task
  • memory corruption issues with function callbacks - todo

I’m not sure if June works out, when we have a date for it, we will set one at GitHub.
