Install the Icinga DB daemon on Debian -- Page not found Error 404


I try to install icinga2 and unfortunately the
" [install the Icinga DB daemon on Debian]" documentation page ( is not available - Page not found Error 404.
Would it be possible to make it available, please ?
Thank you


looking at the repository it seems like the docs have been moved out with the last release for a future docs rework. In my opinion thats a bit early to do this now… But anyways look at the Commit: Adjust installation docs for centralized doc injection · Icinga/icingadb@40d67ea · GitHub
Or at Index of /debian for the install commands :slight_smile:

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Thanks for posting. This is indeed an undesired bug, as we recently changed how the distribution-specific install parts are being inserted. I am going to take another look at this.

In the meantime, please use the cached version from the Internet Archive:

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Thank you for getting me unstuck

We have distribution-related install docs again. Unfortunately, the URLs have changed slightly, but maybe we can add some redirects to not break old links.

Thanks again for bringing up this issue and please excuse the circumstances.