Icingaweb2 Backend not running on second endpoint


we have a config of 2master (HA), 12 satellites and each satellite has 2 endpoints.
Everything works perfectly (HA , zones, endpoints…) but I have a question about the icingaweb2.
The first endpoint from a satellite says everything OK in the “Monitoring Health” but the 2nd endpoint says that the “Backend icinga is not running”
But the icinga2 service is running and working very well
The “active Endpoint” and the “Active Icinga Web 2 endpoint” is connected to its own.
In the logfile you see ‘ido-pgsql paused’ on the second endpoint.

I search the internet but can’t seem to find anything about this.
Have I not configured something yet so that the 2 endpoints work together?
Or is this just the way it is ?

I run the latest version of icinga.

icingacli --version

Icinga Web 2 2.9.5
Git Commit 053971c99dc1a4510beb64a888ea695cc14032dc
PHP Version 7.3.29
monitoring 2.9.5

icinga2 --version

icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: 2.13.2-1)


Where is/are the database/s installed?

On every endpoint there is a local database postgres.
The master is a HA postgres (EDB).

with endpoint you mean the 2 master? so every master has a dedicated DB or are the DBs connected with each other? I don’t know Postgres HA functionality.
But maybe you want to have a look on this: Features - Icinga 2. Depending on how the DBs are running, you have to enable/disable the ha feature.
Enabled means, only one master writes into its DB and the replication belongs to the DBs itself. disabled means, both master write in their own DB, because the DBs are independent. But this can lead to different results (timestamps etc) in the DBs

The two endpoints do not have a central database.
This is only foresee for the master who has a central database.

I started looking at the flow of how the checks goes to the master.
Apparently the 2nd endpoint (slave-endpoint) will forward the checks to the first endpoint (master-endpoint) and then it will forward the check result to the master.
So you have to go to the master-endpoint to see the status of the satellite.

I thought you would see on the slave-endpoint and the master-endpoint who is the master of the satellite.

It is not possible to tell the icingaweb2 that there are 2 endpoints and he is select the master to display the results !?