Icinga - Grafana predefined graphs

Hi Everyone,

Looking for some help - hints ;). I have icingaweb2 and grafana module working with a modified default dashboard for NRPE agent checks and a influxdb backend. I am having some issues when trying to use a predefined graph - they never seem to be selected and the default one will continue to show.

icinga2 object list --type Service --name server-1!check_apache_status | egrep ’ name |check_command|display_name’

check_command = “nrpe”
display_name = “HTTPD Server Status”
name = “check_apache_status”

dashboard = “Icinga-Apache-Status”
panelId = “9”
orgId = “2”
customVars = “”
height = “800”
width = “1200”
repeatable = “no”
dashboarduid = “-9Pcco5Mk”

Grafana web module 1.3.6
Grafana version 7.2.0
Icinga version 2.12.0-1

When the module is in debug, i see the default dashboard being called
Performance Graph Debug
Access mode proxy
Authentication type token
Protocol https
Grafana Host server/grafana
Dashboard UID 62wZ4mQmk
Dashboard Name icinga2-default
Panel ID 1
Organization ID 2
Theme light
Timerange now-8h
Timerangeto now
Height 280
Width 1000
Custom Variables
Graph URL https://server/grafana/render/d-solo/62wZ4mQmk/icinga2-default?var-hostname=winn-rizzoui-1&var-service=check_apache_status&var-command=nrpe&panelId=1&orgId=2&width=1000&height=280&theme=light&from=now-8h&to=now
Disable graph custom variable idontwanttoseeagraph
Graph config custom variable influx_append
influx_append $service.name$
Shadows No
SSL Verify Peer Yes
SSL Verify Host Yes

Can anyone help me identify why predefined dashboards are not being selected?

sorted this. I had a look in the code and now understand why we have “Config customvar”. Removed and now my predefined service matches work.