Icinga 2 Books with Director chapter/relevance


As there are not many separate Books which take on configuration with the Director GUI we want at least mention where it is featured or for future relevance maybe it will get it’s own Book. :thinking:

Book List

The Icinga 2 Book a practical start features a Chapter dedicated to the director interface and the initial configuration steps for the monitoring.

The Chapter can be found here


Also the always updated Documentation can be found here @icinga.com

If you like the teaser Chapter and want to dwelve deeper into the Book you can find the Book on Amazon or other online retailers.

Amazon: here

Thalia: here

Hugendubel: here

Like and love #Icinga2booklove on twitter or share your love here in the community portal.

To Do’s

If you’re an exceptional person who wants to contribute to the Director Documentation or you want to contribute an guide in a diferent language please feel free to write or share :open_book: it here in the community portal we also appreciate it in visual form :video_camera: as a screencast.