Filter Host Cluster Zone

i try to use some filter to make my own dashboard. But one of the filter options are not working or i do not understand how to use it. I have 5 zones and no value will work in this field no matter if i will filter hosts or services. No quotes will work, no wildcards will work.

Please can you provide an example for me.

This is a inspection of an object:


The Zone exist.

Host Cluster Zone is not available for me to filter so my guess is that this is a custom variable (maybe from the cluster_zone check command?).
You could add a custom variable to the host template (e.g. “location”) and then filter using this variable.

Don’t know why directly filtering on the zone is not possible :man_shrugging:

edit: Maybe create a feature request on github and ask for the possibilty to filer for the zone directly.

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In our environment is the same behavior as @log1c described. But our workarround is using host groups!

At first you create a new HostGroup (like in our environment the zone “server”):

object HostGroup "Zone_Server" {
display_name = "Zone Server"
assign where == "server"


After this you could create a filter for this:


Of course ist would be more elegant if it would be possible to filter direct for the zone.

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many thanks to you log1c and Stevie.

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