Fileshipper - BaseDir is empty

My Problem is: my BaseDir is empty.

[root@icinga2-master fileshipper]# pwd

[root@icinga2-master fileshipper]# ls -la
insgesamt 4
drwxrws—. 2 apache icingaweb2 25 7. Apr 19:53 .
drwxrws—. 7 root icingaweb2 91 7. Apr 19:52 …
-rw-rw----. 1 apache icingaweb2 42 7. Apr 19:53 imports.ini

[root@icinga2-master fileshipper]# cat imports.ini
basedir = “/opt/import-icinga”

OS: CentOS 7
Icinga Web 2 Version 2.7.3
PHP 7.1.30
director 1.7.2
fileshipper 1.1.0


could you pls tell us a little bit more about your configuration. Why do you think there should be more files than the “import.iini” in /etc/icingaweb2/modules/fileshipper/?
You configured "/opt/import-icinga"as directory where the module should look for files to import. What is the content of this directory? How do you get/create your files to import?


I did the configuration of fileshipper according to the instructions. But it doesn’t work: I cannot select a directory.
There is a issues, but not by me:
The directory /opt/import-icinga/ has only my “host-import.csv”. I create this file with Excel.

Sorry for my poor English.


if there is a file. Maybe the file permission is wrong. It should be:
User: icingaweb2
Group: apache

The problem is not file permissions.
The problem can be seen on the picture:

I can’t choose the directory.

Hello all,

more than 3 years after, trying to configure FileShipper to work but the directory is being ignored.

I’ve tried to grant full permissions to the folder but that did not change the outcome.

Even before trying to choose anything, the notification about directory ignored is popping as seen above.

Configuration file /etc/icingaweb2/modules/fileshipper/imports.ini contet is:

basedir = “/usr/share/icingaweb2/fileshipper”

What am I missing or doing wrong?
Has anyone managed to configure FileShipper to work?

IT guy

Can you please open an new thread, with all relevant information:
Director version, Fileshipper version,…
It doesn’t really help reviving a 3 year old thread with a different problem

Looks to me like it is the same problem as the initial post.

I’m getting the exact same with you input.
Though switching the path to something different works flawlessly.

Tested with v1.2.0 (and old v0.9.3 before).

I suggest picking a different folder.

@log1c, thanks for the reply.

I forget to mention it, but I’ve tried countless paths and all my tries have been ignored.
Are there any limitations on the path provided?

What input were you trying to use when it worked for you?
Edit: do you have any other related configurations that need to be in place?

IT guy

I have tried many paths.

  • My users home directory
  • /var/spool/icinga2
  • /non/existing/paths
  • /etc/something

All of them where recognized.
If the path existed I could chose the entry. If it didn’t exist it was mentioned.
If the webserver user did not have access there was a stacktrace when trying to chose a file format.

Only other thing I did was setting permissions for the webserver user and icingaweb2 group on the /etc/icingaweb2/modules/fileshipper directory. But that should already be the case for you, as the config is recognized, but there is some problem with it, it seems.
In case you copy&pasted the imports.ini from somewhere, try creating it manually.

Can’t think of anything else atm

Hello @log1c,
Thanks for the reply.

I’ve downgraded to FileShipper version 1.1.0 and now the message of ignoring the folder is gone.
However, now I have the same exact issue as the original post mentions.
There is nothing to choose in the drop-down list. I granted full and open permissions which didn’t help as well.

If you have a solution for this, or even a different solution for importing hosts, services etc. from an old Icinga server that would be most helpful (preferably in a form of a manual for dummies)

IT guy.

Any hints in the logs of apache perhaps?

I’m out of ideas otherwise.

In this talk there are some examples of Director imports directly from the IDO of Icinga1:

(it is in German)

That could be another option.

I would also only import hosts. No services or templates, as Icinga2 offers more features (apply rules for example) than Icinga1. If you simply import everything, you don’t make use of those features.

So a fresh start and clean up of the old stuff would be bets, I’d say.

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Hello all,

So, after alooooooot of trials and errors (mainly), I’ve somehow managed to make FileShipper work.
Apparently, version 1.0.0 is working with the configuration I have.
I was able to export hosts from the old server to a json file and import it to the new server using FileShipper.

Now, I have a new issue, and it is how to make a json/csv to include all necessary variables.
Exporting a json/csv for host/service will not contain all parameters (such as warning/critical level for service, or groups for hosts, or contacts info for both)

If it does include the above, it is in an array that I have no idea how to import through FileShipper.
I really hoped that the manuals will have contained something about it.
Sadly, there is not much information out there regarding this module.

IT guy.
With this you can add variables to the list views, but you will have to define which ones you want to see.

Another option could be exporting via the host/service objects via the API.