I’m having a problem with the precedence of custom variables. I have an apply rule to check for space in windows drives defined in a array with predefined thresholds.
apply Service for (config in host.vars.wdrive) {
name = "Disk " + config + ":"
import "st_windisk_snmp"
icon_image = "harddisk.png"
assign where host.vars.snmp && match("w*", host.vars.OS)
vars.critical = "98"
vars.path = config
vars.warning = "95"
import DirectorOverrideTemplate
I have created a new host which I (meaning the user) want to have different thresholds so I set the “critical” and “warning” custom vars to 92 and 90 (instead of 98 / 95) in the host itself.
object Host "TRUE_HOST.TRUE.DOMAIN." {
import "Standard-Host"
import "Windows_Server"
display_name = "TRUE_HOST"
address = ""
notes = "Pizza Server"
groups = [ "pizzas" ]
vars.OS = "w2019"
vars.critical = "92"
vars.host_type = "virt"
vars.location = "par"
vars.services = [ "A Real Service", "Another Real Service" ]
vars.snmp = true
vars.warning = "90"
vars.wdrive = [ "D", "E" ]
After deploying the configuration I still got the same thresholds on the check instead of the ones defined at host level. The inspect check shows:
‘/path/here/check_windisk_snmp.pl’ ‘10. 10.10.10’ ‘public’ ‘95’ ‘98’ ‘E’
I thought that variables defined at the host level took precedence over variables defined anywhere else. Isn’t that so?
Program Version 2.11.3-1
Icinga web 2.8.2
PHP Version 7.3.11
director 1.7.2