2 apparently identical satellites, 2 different configurations rendered

Hi everyone. I hope this would be a much shorter thread than my previous one despite it is connected.

I have deployed through puppet 1 master, 2 satellites and several agents. 8 agents are behind sat-01 and 4 behind sat-02. As I said they are deployed through puppet so the configuration is fully consistent on the master where it is structured as follows:

[root@mon-00.local zones.d]# tree
├── agent-01.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-02.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-03.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-04.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-05.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-06.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-07.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-08.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-09.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-20.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-30.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── agent-40.local
│ └── hosts.conf
├── global-templates
│ ├── commands.conf
│ ├── groups.conf
│ ├── services.conf
│ ├── templates.conf
│ ├── timeperiods.conf
│ └── users.conf
├── master
│ ├── api-users.conf
│ ├── hostgroups.conf
│ ├── hosts.conf
│ └── my-icinga2.pp
├── my-safereload.pp
├── my-safereload.te
├── sat-01
│ └── hosts.conf
└── sat-02
└── hosts.conf

Now, as you will see below, on satellite 1 the configurations in the api directory are somehow duplicated within the zones-stage directory for no apparent reason. I’ve actually realised that because there is a behavioral inconsistency among the agents which makes the nodes behind satellite 1 to fail the update (and fail to restart if I try) when I add the “zone=master” trick to the hosts to force the check (example below). While the agents behind the satellite 2 accepts the configuration with no problems at all.
So the agent-01.local is behind satellite 1 and misbehave just like all the others behind this satellite

object Host "agent-01.local" {
  address = "10.X.X.X"
  display_name = "agent-01.local"
  check_command = "hostalive"
  zone = "master"   <--- screws the node up here
  vars.client_endpoint = name

when it syncs its configuration you can see:

critical/Application: Found error in config: reloading aborted

and if restarted it fails with:

display_name = “agent-01.local”
check_command = “hostalive”
zone = “master”

surprisingly the same configuration is perfectly fine for the agents behind the satellite 2

object Host "agent-08.local" {
      address = "10.X.X.X"
      display_name = "agent-08.local"
      check_command = "hostalive"
      zone = "master"   <--- perfectly fine here 
      vars.client_endpoint = name

SATELLITE 1 (mon-02.local)

> root@mon-02.local:/var/lib/icinga2/api# tree
> .
> |-- log
> |   |-- 1594803999
> |   |-- 1594804326
> |   `-- current
> |-- packages
> |   `-- _api
> |       |-- 5cff5d89-ca2e-45bc-b504-d45272c1f187
> |       |   |-- conf.d
> |       |   |-- include.conf
> |       |   `-- zones.d
> |       |-- active-stage
> |       |-- active.conf
> |       `-- include.conf
> |-- repository
> |-- zones
> |   |-- agent-01.local
> |   |   `-- _etc
> |   |       `-- hosts.conf
> |   |-- agent-02.local
> |   |   `-- _etc
> |   |       `-- hosts.conf
> |   |-- agent-03.local
> |   |   `-- _etc
> |   |       `-- hosts.conf
> |   |-- agent-04.local
> |   |   `-- _etc
> |   |       `-- hosts.conf
> |   |-- agent-05.local
> |   |   `-- _etc
> |   |       `-- hosts.conf
> |   |-- agent-20.local
> |   |   `-- _etc
> |   |       `-- hosts.conf
> |   |-- agent-30.local
> |   |   `-- _etc
> |   |       `-- hosts.conf
> |   |-- agent-40.local
> |   |   `-- _etc
> |   |       `-- hosts.conf
> |   |-- global-templates
> |   |   `-- _etc
> |   |       |-- commands.conf
> |   |       |-- groups.conf
> |   |       |-- services.conf
> |   |       |-- templates.conf
> |   |       |-- timeperiods.conf
> |   |       `-- users.conf
> |   `-- sat-01
> |       `-- _etc
> |           `-- hosts.conf
> `-- zones-stage        <------ WHY IS THIS AND ITS CONTENT HERE???
>     |-- agent-01.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- agent-02.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- agent-03.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- agent-04.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- agent-05.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- agent-20.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- agent-30.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- agent-40.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- global-templates
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       |-- commands.conf
>     |       |-- groups.conf
>     |       |-- services.conf
>     |       |-- templates.conf
>     |       |-- timeperiods.conf
>     |       `-- users.conf
>     `-- sat-01
>         `-- _etc
>             `-- hosts.conf
> 49 directories, 37 files

SATELLITE 2 (mon-03.local)

> root@mon-03.local:/var/lib/icinga2/api# tree
> .
> |-- log
> |   |-- 1594733785
> |   |-- 1594734875
> |   |-- 1594735042
> |   |-- 1594735045
> |   |-- 1594735135
> |   |-- 1594737135
> |   |-- 1594737655
> |   |-- 1594745290
> |   |-- 1594745293
> |   |-- 1594746113
> |   |-- 1594747992
> |   |-- 1594747994
> |   |-- 1594748234
> |   |-- 1594748235
> |   |-- 1594801541
> |   |-- 1594802231
> |   |-- 1594802233
> |   |-- 1594802300
> |   |-- 1594803860
> |   |-- 1594803869
> |   `-- current
> |-- packages
> |   `-- _api
> |       |-- active-stage
> |       |-- active.conf
> |       |-- ff1fd466-8cb7-44ad-abcc-b43820b1e0b1
> |       |   |-- conf.d
> |       |   |   `-- downtimes
> |       |   |-- include.conf
> |       |   `-- zones.d
> |       `-- include.conf
> |-- repository
> `-- zones
>     |-- agent-06.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- agent-07.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- agent-08.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- agent-09.local
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       `-- hosts.conf
>     |-- global-templates
>     |   `-- _etc
>     |       |-- commands.conf
>     |       |-- groups.conf
>     |       |-- services.conf
>     |       |-- templates.conf
>     |       |-- timeperiods.conf
>     |       `-- users.conf
>     `-- sat-02
>         `-- _etc
>             `-- hosts.conf
> 21 directories, 36 files

The issue was caused by the satellite running a different version than the agents. Aligning the versions fixed that.